Hooray for language heritage and food culture!
The word Kanteføl originated when the Danish "kartoffel" (potato) first arrived in Hallingdal over 250 years ago. The dialect word was dying out until we gave it new honor and dignity, Kantefølflak.
Our Chips for mountain people are meant to provide meaning and joy, to stand for and represent something bigger and more important than just exquisitely spiced flakes. What we put in our mouths, and the words we use to describe it, tell something about who we are and where we come from.
Not a bad word about all the copycats in the grocery market, but Nynorsk and dialect is a better language for us.
These are our products. Are you curious about how Kantefølflak started? Read our story here.
References and the full story
Want to know more about the history of the potato's journey to Norway? Here you can read the full story (long read).
In the picture at the top of the page: Lars Hamarsbøen at the mountain farm in Havsdalen. Lars is a descendant of Ola Hamarsbøen in our Kanteføl story. Photo: Paul Arthur Lockhart /Ostebygda.