Hike Lores
Pictures and stories are sent to us via the QR code on the bag of crisps.
Explore the map – create a new hiking goal. May you find inspiration for new, memorable moments, with Kantefølflak on your next journey. Bags with QR codes can be found in the store where you buy snacks.
Where the mountains sing
Joy can be the sound of a bag opening, crisp flakes, and a well-deserved break on the way up. At the top of the mountain on a beautiful day with clear views in all directions. One of the many moments that just pass by, but which you carry with you because it lifts your spirits on the gray days when work tasks queue up. The memory that promises it's not long until the next mountain trip! Please bring out the bag in good company, listen carefully as good folk help themselves - isn't it the mountains that are singing?
Have a good trip onwards!