Between mountains, from Svalbard to Hallingdal
The idea for Kantefølflak came to us during a study trip to Svalbard (highest mountain Newtontoppen 1712 m.a.s.l.) in 2016. A group of Hallingers discussed everything between fjord and mountain, including chips and crisps. The old dialect word for potato, kanteføl, was mentioned, and the idea for Kantefølflak was sown.
Back home, the long journey began toward what today is a taste test winner and Norway's third registered trademark for crisps.
In addition to much trial and error in the kitchen, we searched for the local and authentic in old village books and other historical sources. The goal has always been to bring a locally produced quality product, a delicacy among crisps, to the market. Where every single flake also represents diversity, sustainability, and cultural heritage – a product with a meaning greater than its function.
More about this, the journey as Kanteføl founders, consumer power, motorcycle trips, and life in Halling are about to materialize in the form of the book "You don't get to the mountains without uphill battles." More info to come, stay tuned!